Project Submission No. |
Project Title |
Country |
GCC/CDM Methodology & Version |
Forecasted Project Type |
Focal Point One |
Approved Verifier |
Geographical Coordinates |
Crediting Period |
Forecasted GHG Emission Reduction(tCO2e/Year) |
Forecasted units in Permanence Buffer Account (tCO2e/Year) |
Forecasted units in Corresponding Adjustment Reserve Account (tCO2e/Year) |
Forecasted units in OMGE Account(tCO2e/year) |
Forecasted Units in Adaptation Fund Account(tCO2e/year) |
Forecasted EL Label |
Forecasted SL Label |
Forecasted EBL Label |
Forecasted SBL Label |
Forecasted NR Label |
Forecasted NR+ Label |
Forecasted TR+ Label |
Forecasted SDG+ Label |
Forecasted Market Eligibility |
Forecasted SDG+ Goals |
Forecasted E+ Label |
Forecasted S+ Label |
Country Article 6 Readiness |
Letter of Intent From Host country (LOIHC) |
Host country Letter of Authorization (HCLOA) |
Proposed Approach to Corresponding Adjustment |